Why international students choose Turkey

The number of international students choosing to study in Turkey has been increasing significantly since 2014. Currently, there are more than 800,000 foreign students in Turkey studying towards their higher education degrees on the back of the Turkish government's focus on increasing Turkey’s popularity with the international students. 

Why international students choose Turkey as their study abroad destination? Simply put, to receive quality education in English at a relatively low cost. Let’s look at the reasons behind it in more detail. 

1. Quality Higher Education Opportunities 

Turkey is the second country in the world in access to higher education, with an enrollment rate of 94.2%. A diploma from a university in Turkey is recognized in all European countries. Also ECTS is applied according to Europe and Diploma Supplement is given to all students. Furthermore, Turkey is one of the most successful countries participating in Erasmus, European Student the exchange program. 

2. Diversity in University and Academic Program 

There are 206 universities in Turkey with a population of 82 million. The number of students is close to 8 million. Certain cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Izmir are becoming student cities. There are more than 60.000 different programs in 206 universities. With such a variety an international student will definitely find a university and a program for him/herself. 

3. Multicultural Life 

Turkey, rooted in the soil where many civilizations lived for thousands of years, is deffinately a cultural mosaic! In this country, everyone is tolerant and respectful to each other. Where you can find a part of your Root and maybe you can meet people who speak your language Turkey, it is ideal for international students with a safe and peaceful environment. 

4. Appealing Nature 

In Turkey international students live four seasons  with worldwide well-known natural beauties. In the seas surrounding Turkey can enjoy swimming and water sports, you can ski in several cities in the mountains, rafting in the river and you can experience many extreme sports. Therefore, besides the academic education for international students, they can also enjoy themselves. 

5. Historical and Cultural Heritage 

Based on a long history, there are thousands of historical and cultural monuments most of which is protected as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage in Turkey. Even in your daily life, you will want to follow the traces you may encounter frequently! 

6. Student Friendly 

Turkey has many student friendly cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Izmir.  Social clubs, sports teams and cultural events at each university bring students together and bring distant geographies closer. One of the most important reasons international students chose Turkey, is the student socializing! Cities live 24 hours a day thanks to cafes, restaurants and libraries where students hang out. 

7. Welcoming Turkish People 

The hospitality of the Turkish people has become legendary all over the world! As a student, if you ask for help, people will do their best and sincerely. Turks will welcome you as a guest and we will have many treats to satisfy you. Make sure you don't miss your home here! 

8. Modern Technological Campuses 

Whichever 206 universities you attend, you will experience a modern and convenient campus life equipped with the latest technology. 

9.Easy Living Conditions 

life is more economical than most countries in Turkey. You can meet your needs such as accommodation, food and beverage and entertainment at affordable prices. You can stay in dormitories within or near university campuses, or rent a house for reasonable rent. Also, whichever you choose as a student, you get tickets at a discounted price or you can watch the movie in the cinema for less. There are websites helping international students for finding accommodation such as dormitories, hostel, student aparts, and  student housing.